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May 18 - 22   Week 7

Parents, feel free to take pictures of your child doing the activities or their completed work and email to their teacher!

Remember:  Please do what you can, but be flexible if it doesn't work.  If you notice that your child is struggling, try together, don't get frustrated and end with a smile. 


Victoria Day Holiday - Enjoy your day! 


Math Games - Play your favorite! 


Shapes are everywhere!  Watch Jack Hartman tell you all about them!  

Pick 4 different shapes that you learned from the video and go on a hunt around your house. Find at least 3 of each shape and share with someone in your house. Can you draw and label them?  Use the shapes sheet to help. 


Measuring Shapes

When we measure the outside edge of a shape, we are measuring the perimeter. If you ran around the perimeter of the field, you would run all around it at the outside edge.


Your task:

  • Find 3 different objects in your house that are 3 different shapes. I chose a rectangular colouring book, a round bowl, and a square note pad.

  • Find something to measure them with that won’t be too big or too small. I chose crayons because I knew they would work for all 3 objects.

  • Make an estimate. Which object do you think will have the largest perimeter, which the smallest? Write your estimate in your math journal

  • Measure your objects and record your findings in your math journal.


Addition / Subtraction 

It is important that our learners practice pen and paper math from time to time.  Try these addition and subtraction sheets or write out your own addition problems to 20 and subtraction problems from 10. 

Find some printable worksheets here


Math Journal 

Create a picture in your math journal using as many shapes as you can. Count them and write the number

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