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April 27 - May 1  Week 4

Parents, feel free to take pictures of your child doing the activities or their completed work and email to their teacher!

Remember:  Please do what you can, but be flexible if it doesn't work.  If you notice that your child is struggling, try together, don't get frustrated and end with a smile. 



Look around the room and house. Search for different objects like a paper clip, eraser, scissors, marker, crayon and put them in order from smallest to biggest.  You can use any objects around the house or even outside.  10 objects is a good place to start.  


Math Games​

Math game day is a classroom favorite - Maybe it will become one of yours at home learning favorites too!  Try out this fun card game "GARBAGE", or visit the "EVERY DAY MATH" page for the instructions of other games! 


Math Journal 

Trace and draw a picture of the items you found from yesterday in order from smallest to biggest. Don’t worry if they do not all fit on the page (fit as many as you can). Want a challenge? Write the sounds you hear and label each object.


Write It, Build It, Draw It

Pick a number from 11 - 19

Write the number down on a piece of paper

Build the number with anything you have around

Draw your number - Remember the easy way to record 10 without drawing all the objects is a circle with "10".  

Find out more details , see pictures and steps by clicking below



Choose between 2 and 4 different items as measuring tools, such as paper clips, toothpicks or markers. Use each item to measure the length of the kitchen table, a chair, your living room carpet. Remember to place the tool end to end with no gaps or overlaps. Compare the results. Why might the measurements be different? What else can you measure?

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