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Creative Activities

May 18 - 22      Week 7

Parents, feel free to take pictures of your child doing the activities or their completed work and email to their teacher!

Remember:  Please do what you can, but be flexible if it doesn't work.  If you notice that your child is struggling, try together, don't get frustrated and end with a smile. 

Shadow Play


It is a school holiday today.  There are no specific tasks for the day, but just like every day, enjoy free play - build with lego, blocks and more.  Colour or paint a picture.  Explore the neighborhood (while maintaining physical distance).  


Watch as Peep tells you all about Shadows and Light in "Peep in the Big Wide Word"   Can you make a shadow puppet show?


Head outside and find your shadow.  First thing in the morning or the later afternoon sun works the best - can you trace your own shadow?  Can someone trace it for you?    Are you taller or shorter?  Are you the same size?


Can you make a block tower tall enough to touch the ceiling using no more than 10 blocks?   Can you get it half way up?

For this challenge you will need 10 blocks, some tape, and a flashlight

1. Put a line of tape on the floor about 2 feet from the wall, and a piece of tape about halfway up

2.  Leave the blocks and flashlight and let your child explore!  

3.  Ask them questions about how they did it!  Changing the angle of the flashlight will cast the shadow up the wall!  


Create your own SUNDIAL!  

The shadow of an item and the sun can create an amazing clock! 

  1. Find a safe large outdoor space.  Using Sidewalk Chalk, draw a large circle. Make evenly spaced marks around the outside edge for each hour of the day. Figure out where the center of the circle is located and mark that, too.

  2.  Stand on the center mark in the morning when the sun is out. Have someone trace where the shadow falls on the sundial. Inside the traced shadow, write the time of day. Keep recording the results throughout the day to see how the shadow moves around the sundial. 

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